cover (Some wear and partial spine split) G+
Vinyl (Light surface scratches) G+
Audio Fidelity – DFS 7012
Vinyl, LP, Stereo
Field Recording, Special Effects
A1 Sonic Boom: F-104 "Starfighter"
A2 Massed Strafing Runs By F-100's
A3 RB-66 Photo Reconnaissance Fly-By (Photo-Flash Cartridge Drop)
A4 F-100 "Super Sabres" Drop 500 Lb. Bombs (Ground Bursts)
A5 F-100's Drop Bombs In Support Mission (Ground Bursts)
A6 F-100's Fire Mixed Loads Of Rockets At Ground Targets
A7 F-105 "Thunderchiefs" Strafe Ground Target With "Vulcan" 20MM Automatic Cannons (Ground Bursts)
A8 F-100 Bombing Runs (Ground Bursts)
A9 Radar-Aimed High Altitude Bombing Run By F-105's
A10 F-105 Fighter-Bombers Drop 500 Lb. Bombs (Ground Bursts)
A11 Air Controller Directs Tactical Air Command Strike By F-100's
A12 F-100's In Napalm Bomb Attack On Ground Target
A13 F-100's Strafe Ground Targets With 20MM Cannons
A14 Mass Napalm Attack By F-100's (Ground Bursts)
A15 F-101 "Voodoo", F-102 "Delta Dart", F-106 "Delta Dagger" Intercept Three B-57 "Canberra" Bombers
A16 Low Level Bombing Run, Two F-100's
A17 F-100 Launches "Bull Pup" Missile
A18 Four F-101's Fire (MB-IT) "Genie" Rockets (Air Bursts)
B1 Nuclear Bomb Explosion, Yucca Flat, Nevada
B2 Simulated Nuclear Bomb Drop By F-105
B3 Jet Fighters Taking Off (After Burners)
B4 F-105's Fire Rockets At Ground Target (Ground Bursts)
B5 Fly-By: B-28, T20A, C-47
B6 B 52's Starting Engines
B7 B 52's Taxiing
B8 B 52's Taking Off
B9 Gatling Gun (Spanish-American War)
B10 30 Caliber Machine Gun (WW II)
B11 50 Caliber Machine Gun (WW II)
B12 20MM (M39) Automatic Cannon
B13 20 MM Vulcan "Gatling Gun" Type Aircraft Cannon
B14 Psychological Warfare, Public Address From C-47
B15 Three F-106's Destroy Drone Target With (GAR-4A) "Falcon" Missiles
B16 Four F-102's Fire Salvo Of 2.75 Rockets (Air Bursts)
B17 F-104 "Starfighter" Destroys (HVAR) Target Rocket With 5-Inch (GAR-8) "Sidewinder" Millisles (Air Bursts)
B18 B 52 Launches (GAM-77) "Hound Dog" Missile
B19 C-130 "Hercules" Troop Transport, Assault Landing
B20 C-130 Makes Rocket-Assisted Take-Off
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Vinyl Makes the World Go ‘Round
EST: 2018 Burnsville, MN


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